Tuesday, June 4, 2013


We had a really rainy day and night this past week and nothing makes us feel more like lazying around the house with a good book quite like a thunderstorm.  So we got talking about our favorite books and these are the lists we came up with (in no particular order):

Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
Lord of the Rings books by JRR Tolkein
Krakatoa by Simon Winchester
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman
The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes
Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Dracula by Brahm Stoker
The Great Bridge by David McCullough
Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester

A favorite pastime that we share is to visit bookstores, especially those dedicated to used books, where we can often find something that's been on our list for awhile, at a great price.  Carolyn posts an annual list of books she's read, along with a brief description of each, and how she liked it.  Stewart started this for 2013 as well.  Hopefully this helps friends who can't decide what to read next as well as reminding us what we've enjoyed in case we ever want to re-read something in the future. 

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